This is a blog not about the "what" in sports but the "why" in sports. I own 94 New Era ball caps that hang on the wall in my bedroom. Of the 94 I regularly wear only 4 of them, why is that? What causes a fan to claim their favorite team as a part of their family? Why is this country so intrigued by sports? Why has athletics essentially been adopted as religion in this country and across the world? These are topics that will be discussed within this blog. This blog is for educational purposes only and will only be viewed by my Sports Communication and Sports Media classes.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Oakland to Vegas: The Impact of the Raiders in Sin City

When I was in fourth grade my best friend moved away. I was, for lack of a better term, devastated. This kid and I were partners in crime and had spent almost every recess and every spare afternoon together since we could walk. His departure left a hole in my existence that took many years to overcome.

Recently NFL fans have dealt with or are preparing to deal with similar experiences. St. Louis and San Diego are dealing with the exodus of their NFL teams to Los Angeles and recently the Raiders have filed papers to relocate to Las Vegas. These fans are losing something very dear to them and they in turn will be devastated. What are the impacts that will occur from pigskin making a home in Sin City?

Economically one community will flourish and the other will take a huge hit. Oakland, from my understanding, has never been the most financially stable area. That's why athletes who come from the area are so gritty, because they were made in Oakland. The removal of a professional sports team can and will take a hit on their economical stability, especially with talks about the Oakland A's potentially building a new stadium away from the bay city. Las Vegas on the inverse, would receive an increase in financial growth. The place known as the getaway and an area where the truth doesn't follow you home has another attraction to add to the list that includes casinos, famous shows and fancy clubs. Jobs and work opportunities will grow in Las Vegas and the money will flow once again.

On a more personal note, fans will feel betrayed. Think about it, the Oakland Raiders already had a hiatus in Los Angeles and made their way back. Recent history, minus this past season, hasn't been kind to the silver and black. They have been the definition of mediocrity in the AFC West as every other team has enjoyed playoff success while they suffered losing season after losing season since their appearance in the Super Bowl. Now the boys are back led by Derek Carr and Khalil Mack, but the return to the feared Raiders might occur in Nevada. Hailed by their new, young fans who probably don't know who Tim Brown or Jim Plunkett are.

Overall a move to Las Vegas would be one that I would welcome. I've never been to a NFL game and this would provide an opportunity to not only attend one game, but be a regular in the new black pit. I might even claim the new Las Vegas Raiders as my team. Overall I believe they should stay in Oakland. I believe that certain teams belong where they are. The NFL is better when the Cowboys are in Texas, the Packers are in Green Bay and when the Raiders are in Oakland. Their history is there. The most popular sports game was named after a coach who won the Super Bowl with the Silver and Black. The NFL will never be the biggest show in Vegas and the history of the team will be potentially lost and forgotten. Keep the legacy of the Raiders where it belongs and that is in Oakland.

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